Polish Hunting Association is a nationwide organization of Polish hunters and hunting clubs.



The supreme authority of the Polish Hunting Association is the National Convention of Delegates, which defines the main directions of activity and rules for carrying out the tasks of the Association. The supreme authority of the Association is the Hunting Council, which appoints an executive body – the Main Board of the Association. The headquarters of the Chief Executive of the Association is located in Warsaw, at Nowy Świat 35 Street. The press organ of the Association is the national monthly magazine „Łowiec Polski”, which has been published since 1899.


Polish Hunting Association is an association of hunters and hunting clubs with legal personality. It has over 126 thousand members.

In Poland, there are 2770 hunting clubs (comprising about 95% of all members of the Association), which lease nearly 4860 thousand hunting units. Independently, the Polish Hunting Association runs 28 Game Breeding Centers, whose task is exemplary hunting economy using scientific achievements.

The country is divided into 49 districts. Within the structure of the Polish Hunting Association at each level there are audit committees, which control the activities of the authorities, disciplinary prosecutor and hunting courts, whose task is to ensure that hunters respect the law and hunting ethics.

The Polish Hunting Association has the following clubs: Polish Female Hunter Club, Hunting Signalers Club, Hunting Culture and Collectors Club, Hunting Language and Literature Enthusiasts Club, Animals Decoyers Club and kennel clubs for hunting dogs.